I'm not young anymore but I own a business and AI is disrupting industries at a breakneck pace, let me tell you.

I'm not young anymore but I own a business and AI is disrupting industries at a breakneck pace, let me tell you. Writers are fricked. Artists are fricked. Programmers are in the process of getting fricked. Secretaries and assistants are getting fricked. It's a slow roll for some industries, fast for others.

What the hell are young people studying that is likely to be safe from AI and robotics disruption? Are they even thinking about the implications of AI or are they just going through the motions blithely unaware of just how massively fricked industries are getting right now, and we're only in the first inning of this revolution?

Young people tend to be moronic and detached from reality so I assume most have no idea but I'd like to think a few of them are thinking about this. I'm hearing horror stories all over of seasoned programmers who can't find any work at all, that's just one example but it's ironic because not long ago it was considered one of the safest industries.

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  1. 3 months ago

    The only thing we need to worry about is the harvest and the water, goodnight.

  2. 3 months ago

    >the first inning of this revolution
    Economies are fricked... as we know them.
    Modern economics were always doomed though so the only costant is change.
    You said you were old, you should know this.
    Are you 60? I am.

    • 3 months ago

      correction, you said you are not young anymore.
      I considered myself young all the way through my 40's. I could feel myself slowing down throughout my 50's, I mean really slow down. I expect 60-70 to be more of the same slowing with an increase in doctor visits. I've had a good life. Just make the best of it and stop sounding exactly like every generation that came before us.

      None of this will happen

      What happens when accountants figure out they are possibly the most likely (and easiest) to replace with AI?
      You're probably right. Accountants won't let it happen. kek

      • 3 months ago

        This is generally irrelevant. The simplest job of an accountant is to make sure the books are balanced, as well as invoices properly filed. No one wants to get called by an AI asking them to send them an invoice. This requires manual investigation of things, including down to line-level examination. You could probably train it eventually, but it'd have to interact with humans, and no one's going to make an independent AI that can sit and call people. They're just going to hang up and assume it's a scam.

        Accountancy is also very closely related to financial policy in a business, particularly when it comes to formulating budgets, advising boards, and shit like that. Only the lowest grade of accountant might be affected by such a change, at least at the current rate.

        >I'm hearing horror stories all over of seasoned programmers who can't find any work at all

        anglos and anglo cs students, - your work has been getting shipped to people like myself, to baltics and poland, since at least 2018, because measly 5k/month is considered a very high level of income here.

        You're all pedophiles over there so it doesn't really matter.

        • 3 months ago

          >No one wants to get called by an AI asking them to send them an invoice
          Because that won’t happen, it will be submitted through an API and errors managed the same as code is managed in any program. Are you just a bit dense?

          >This requires manual investigation of things, including down to line-level examination
          This is like saying xml requires down to line-level examination. It doesn’t.

    • 3 months ago

      >Are you 60? I am.

      That is so old.

      • 3 months ago

        Let's say someone was 25 in 1999 when they got their first pc. That person is now 50 years old

        • 3 months ago

          were there really people already 25 in 1999

  3. 3 months ago

    None of this will happen

  4. 3 months ago

    >I'm hearing horror stories all over of seasoned programmers who can't find any work at all

    anglos and anglo cs students, - your work has been getting shipped to people like myself, to baltics and poland, since at least 2018, because measly 5k/month is considered a very high level of income here.

  5. 3 months ago

    >horror stories all over of seasoned programmers who can't find any work at all
    I guess they were doing executive shit and the last thing they programmed was the first Java version of their shitty SaaS 12 years ago

    AIs can’t create, they can’t adapt, they can’t link two abstract concepts together

  6. 3 months ago

    Sounds like some shit an AI would say

  7. 3 months ago

    As a NEET who dropped out and only ever had a temp job, I don’t care that AI is taking over. In fact I want to learn how to take advantage of it whether it’s local models or SAAS.
    I’m also a bit of an artist, but I’m not THAT good that I would be seething at AI, yet I understand the pain creatives feel about it, however I still want to take advantage of it. How can AI help me make the things I’ve always wanted to make but didn’t have the will to do myself? That’s how I see it.
    Then again, I’m a NEET, so I put virtually no effort to bettering my life so when I see AI come along and apparently do the things I never learned to do, it’s a little vindicating in a selfish kind of way. But I’d say those with actual skills should be getting more into using AI. Even if I don’t feel like I wasted my time learning something that AI can do better, my disadvantage is I really wouldn’t know what to do with it. Professionals and creatives at least know where to start.

    • 3 months ago

      You were a useless piece of shit before AI and you will continue being one after it. Le spooky AI is just your most recent and convenient excuse

  8. 3 months ago

    just work in defense. it's slow as frick and if i tried to use AI to code i'd get a meeting with some security clearance goons.

  9. 3 months ago

    >quantum hype bubble
    >crypto hype bubble
    >llm hype bubble <--- you are here
    it's garbage. It may be more useful as time goes on but right now it's just another bubble being shilled to make number go up

  10. 3 months ago

    >I'm not young anymore but I own a business and AI is disrupting industries at a breakneck pace, let me tell you. Writers are fricked. Artists are fricked. Programmers are in the process of getting fricked. Secretaries and assistants are getting fricked. It's a slow roll for some industries, fast for others.
    yes and? technological advancement is never bad

  11. 3 months ago

    your picture paints a picture that your mind was raised by /misc/

    but I sense you have broken free, you might be the chosen one

    didn't read though

    • 3 months ago

      Your post paints a picture that you are from reddit. Return to your home.

      • 3 months ago

        Everyone falls the first time.

  12. 3 months ago

    Show me one useful thing created by AI

    • 3 months ago

      illustrating random things is fricking easy now, scripting as well

      • 3 months ago

        Wow so AI can do things you could do yourself in about the same amount of time?

        • 3 months ago

          AI is much faster than me in the same tasks

          • 3 months ago

            You just think it is because you suck and you don't realize it's creating more problems for you to fix later.

            • 3 months ago

              what problems?

  13. 3 months ago

    AI is complete shit that can't do anything

    • 3 months ago

      >trains are complete shit that can't do anything, not as flexible as horse

  14. 3 months ago

    >What the hell are young people studying that is likely to be safe from AI and robotics disruption?
    You don't seem to understand. All occupations will disappear. No point in humans doing things if bots equipped with super intelligence can do them better and at vastly increased speed. The idea of humans generating value will disappear entirely, as we won't be able to compete with the AI. No point in trying to compete though if we control it. It will serve us and we can just do whatever we want really. Who knows man. A human's main mission might be to colonize other planets. Could you imagine that? An entire planet entirely to yourself or your family or your family and friends? Colonization might not even be the goal. We might just get to live happy lives forever with immortality or something, never worrying about anything

    • 3 months ago

      Anone.... richgays will always try to get more money out of you call it da joos or muh capitalists but in the end you vill be raped by ai, you will not live cosily if it means that someone else can suffer

      • 3 months ago

        I said this could happen if we control the AI. Of course there are going to be rich evil sons of b***hes that only want infinite power. Of course they are going to do everything that they possibly can to keep it in their hands. Once they have the tech, they won't want to ever give it up. They also won't need humans for anything anymore, so they would try to kill everyone and keep the AI to themselves. That's really the final battle, ensuring that the AI is used for good rather than being kept in the hands of the evil few. Probably our only way to achieve this is to merge with it, Elon Neuralink style. Power structures as we know them will either be reshaped drastically or entirely crumble. If we get to the point of everyone assimilating into the AI hivemind, there won't be any need for any sort of power structure at all. Shit's gonna get real weird and it will either kill us all, enslave us, or finally set us free

      • 3 months ago

        My wife Miku

  15. 3 months ago

    Nothing is safe. Humans are becoming obsolete. We are engineering our own replacements.

  16. 3 months ago

    >Writers are fricked
    Take a look at the Willy Wonka Experience event that happened in Glasgow.
    >Artists are fricked
    Again, take a look at that event. Besides that, there is still demand for artists
    >Programmers are in the process of getting fricked
    Opposite, they are praising it because it helps them. Speeding up the coding process, finding bugs- you name it.
    >Secretaries and assistants are getting fricked
    idk about that, too early to be sure about that.
    >What the hell are young people studying that is likely to be safe from AI and robotics disruption?
    How old are you and are you even working in tech or having an tech hobby? Because it seems you have absolutely no idea about the state of AI and others stuffs.
    > I'm hearing horror stories all over of seasoned programmers who can't find any work at all
    Software development job market is oversaturated, depends on the country too.
    >it's ironic because not long ago it was considered one of the safest industries.
    If industry is not safe, then it's not because of AI, but economy situation (see 2008-2009 and over hiring during covid-19)

    • 3 months ago

      >Opposite, they are praising it because it helps them. Speeding up the coding process, finding bugs- you name it.

      except the fact that one productive programmer will do the job of 100 programmers from the past

      • 3 months ago

        Lol. You don't know what code is. Frick you don't know what a compiler or library is. Shut the frick up about "AI". It's a language model you dumb Black person. I swear the more tech savvy someone is, the less they fear it. The fear mongering are literally useful idiots wincuck itodler boomers who are falling for propaganda designed to drive up stock prices. It's a tool and a bubble. Just wait till you see ai feeding AI and all the data pollution fricking up the algorithms. It's going to be wild.

      • 3 months ago

        ok, and? Do you feel pity for poojeets losing their job?

      • 3 months ago

        >except the fact that one productive programmer will do the job of 100 programmers from the past
        and? Software isn't like durable goods, there's no saturation point where things are good enough people won't demand new or better software. Competition will just increase to where you need 100 programmers using AI to provide products that are market competitive.

    • 3 months ago

      Worse take

      • 3 months ago

        Which take? And are you seriously feel threatened by AI?

  17. 3 months ago

    AI is to extension as how a pen replaced a pencil, and so on.

  18. 3 months ago

    I'm just chilling at my mom's basement and waiting for the end of this world

  19. 3 months ago

    >AI is disrupting industries at a breakneck pace, let me tell you. Writers are fricked. Artists are fricked. Programmers are in the process of getting fricked. Secretaries and assistants are getting fricked. It's a slow roll for some industries, fast for others
    It's also fricking Doctors and nurses. No one is safe.
    t. healthcare IT gay

  20. 3 months ago

    As a college going person I've always known of the possibility of it all being useless in the face of A.I. or some other such revolutionary thing. There is nothing that can be done to stop it, so why bother? If I'm replaced I'll just go into a trade or something. I'll figure it out eventually.

    • 3 months ago

      >As a college going person

      • 3 months ago

        Anon probably isn't trans, just adapted to social environment (consciously or un) to not be bullied out by rainbow people.

  21. 3 months ago

    >What the hell are young people studying that is likely to be safe from AI and robotics disruption?
    High IQ young people (130+) are going studying engineering or doing cutting edge research.
    Other young people are going into manual labor jobs to compete against hordes of brown people instead of competing against AI.
    >Are they even thinking about the implications of AI
    Most, arent.
    Some of them realize how fricked midwits are, but most don't realize it yet.
    >are they just going through the motions blithely unaware of just how massively fricked industries are getting right now.

    • 3 months ago

      Isn’t technological progress wonderful. We can all live out our dreams of working slave labor for eternity

  22. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago
  23. 3 months ago

    >What the hell are young people studying that is likely to be safe from AI and robotics disruption?
    Data science lol. Can't be replaced if I'm making the AI :^)

  24. 3 months ago


  25. 3 months ago

    study marxist theory and revolutionary praxis

    • 3 months ago

      Then suck a big red dildo and spread your butt cheeks for daddy government and privileged bureaucrats.

  26. 3 months ago

    >Are they even thinking about the implications of AI or are they just going through the motions blithely unaware of just how massively fricked industries are getting right now
    It's called a childhood, anon. Let them have it.

  27. 3 months ago

    Be a Power Engineer you are just a human safety switch that's job is to wake up when alarms go off look at the screen and know what just blew up when you were napping and stop anything else from exploding.

    Very literally a 500MWe gas turbine power plant has 2 operators at night, and 3 during the day running the thing. I walk around getting reading twice in a 12 hour shift just to make sure that my readings on some analogue device match the digital readings from right beside it. Clearly a $60/hr job.

  28. 3 months ago

    Current models are basically useless except as assistants, and even that requires finesse. I don't foresee permanent unemployment due to AI as long as that's the case.

  29. 3 months ago

    I can tell you've never written a program past hello world. AI is moronic when it comes to programming.

  30. 3 months ago

    >It is precisely because employers place a premium on innovation in response to rapid change that they emphasize these student experiences rather than narrow technical training. Therefore, the dominant narrative that one’s undergraduate major is all that matters and that only some majors will prepare students for success in the workplace doesn’t match the reality. A student’s undergraduate experience, and how well the experience advances critical learning outcomes (knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world, intellectual and practical skills, personal and social responsibility, integrative and applied learning), is what matters most, with 80% of employers agreeing that all students need a strong foundation in the liberal arts and sciences. Indeed, in the global knowledge economy, employer demand for graduates with a liberal education is growing.

    You need to break out of the reality distortion field of BOT anon, employers, CEOS in every sector, ppl who ping pong back and forth between high level govt positions and the private sector et al have been saying the same thing to young ppl since the 1960s, its just that sometimes autists such as the fine folk here just choose not to listen, a broad, liberal arts education beats a narrow focused, technical background in the long run, and this has been borne out by the data consistently, decade after decade
    Employers prize adaptability and a broad skill set over narrow technical skills and that will never, ever change
    Good, labor markets will create new ones, it has only been going on like this for the past all of human existence, I'm not saying that posters here who have technical skills that I could only dream of are worse off than someone like me with a BA, no, far from it, I would love to have the skills that some of you have, but if you have no vision ur fricked

    • 3 months ago

      >Employers prize adaptability and a broad skill set over narrow technical skills and that will never, ever change
      Or they prize economic labor units that have already been prepared for commoditized mass psychological programming techniques by the technicians we refer to as managers. With a side of shared culture and class and academic heritage so that relations on the individual level fit the human resources meme for people like them vs nerds.

  31. 3 months ago

    oh no the poor writer hacks that have be nuking franchises across the board in the name of ((THE MESSAGE)) bye bye ghost busters disney star wars every tv show within the past decade.. GOOD FRICK YOU WRITERS

    • 3 months ago

      Go back to sleep drinker.
      You'll be able to keep watching your movie content tomorrow, it isn't going anywhere. Your career is safe.

  32. 3 months ago

    What kind of business do you own

  33. 3 months ago

    I just started a new job this week, feel like it's a bit of a skill issue tbqh

  34. 3 months ago

    I don't think programmers are all that fricked, programming managers might be though

  35. 3 months ago

    Fake and gay.

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