If AI replaced all jobs then how would humans get money?

If AI replaced all jobs then how would humans get money?

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  1. 11 months ago

    money is a social construct to put a physical face to time
    computers/AI have no concept of time, therefore they will not see a use for money
    all resources would be distributed evenly, to the point that you too will not need money

    • 11 months ago

      >resource distributed evenly
      No, resources will get rationed and they'll probably be a ration economy. While time might become worthless there is still a finite amount of material. This will have to be rationed and there are tons of different rationing scheme people could use.

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          >finite material resources
          thats like saying there's a finite amount of water on the planet, yeah sure you might run into issues with materials for batteries at some point but batteries are horribly inefficient anyway, there would be no place for them in this proposed future
          your proposed "ration exono" is just the same thing with a different coat of paint, you simply dont know what youre talking about because it is scary, and thats okay.
          They'll do the thinking for you

          AI is set to develop new technologies, most notably biological machines/resources which would solve all food and energy problems.

          The text predictor is just one part of what AGI will do.

          >thinking AI will somehow solve the resource scarcity issue.
          AI might be able to automate task, but I doubt it will be doing the innovating. We will need to come up with new processes to extract raw material and process it which will then be automated by the AI. You talk about biological machines, but how are you going to mass produce lumber. Trees take time to grow and AI can't make that process faster. Also because of environmental desires of the population lumber will probably be limited in production. That means the lumber that is available will have to be rationed. This is the same for things like steel and other raw resources.
          >muh space craft
          Maybe eventually, but I don't think AI will get us to star trek instantly. I see AI automating most jobs before the star trek era.

          • 11 months ago

            >more efficient resource gathering due to robotics
            >new technologies to create more resources
            >better education so people stop wasting resources

            > but I doubt it will be doing the innovating
            And this is your whole problem. You don't understand what AI implies or the reason it's being developed. You are an idiot dude.

            Imagine the smartest person alive and then multiply him by a trillion and make him think 1 million times faster. That's what AI will be.

            >and AI can't make that process faster
            Why? People can make trees grow faster. And what the hell do you think you need lumber for? And why are you acting like AI won't help space exploration?

            • 11 months ago

              >thinking AI is just magic
              AI is just a automated statistics. People need to develop new models and make the intuitive leaps. AI will help with that by allowing us to capture correlation very strongly, but we need to turn that information into a model that we can deduce more truths of the universe from and develop new processes.
              >AI and trees
              Even if you optimized trees to the max there would still be a set amount of time producing lumber would take. You would still have finite resource and would have to ration them.

      • 11 months ago

        >finite material resources
        thats like saying there's a finite amount of water on the planet, yeah sure you might run into issues with materials for batteries at some point but batteries are horribly inefficient anyway, there would be no place for them in this proposed future
        your proposed "ration exono" is just the same thing with a different coat of paint, you simply dont know what youre talking about because it is scary, and thats okay.
        They'll do the thinking for you

        • 11 months ago

          >resource distributed evenly
          No, resources will get rationed and they'll probably be a ration economy. While time might become worthless there is still a finite amount of material. This will have to be rationed and there are tons of different rationing scheme people could use.

          AI is set to develop new technologies, most notably biological machines/resources which would solve all food and energy problems.

          Explain to me how a shitty text predictor does plumbing, replaces a linesman, or harvests your food. Understand that it's only the low-intellect, low-effort, paper-shuffling make-work bullshit jobs invented in the last 60 years or so that are under threat from your glorified T9.

          Real jobs, that actually contribute to and improve the world, are laughing at you.

          The text predictor is just one part of what AGI will do.

          • 11 months ago

            >but muh trades!
            you sound like the guys that said cars cant replace horses

            farming is almost automated bros. A drone sprays the fields, a gps trctor plows the land and a robotic arm picks the fruit and those tesla bots are no joke either.

            >dodging the answer of "they can't"
            Of course, I wouldn't have asked the question if I didn't already know the answer, but thanks for your participation all the same - even if it was just as predictable as what's replacing you.
            Which, when you think about it, is why people like you are literally shitting yourselves in terror over it.

            • 11 months ago

              >ignoring that technology progresses
              >on BOT

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not 12 like you. In fact, I'm old enough to remember when expert systems arrived in the 1970s, and we were on the cusp of AGI.

                Guess what kid? It never happened. Just like your fancy T9 isn't the cusp of AGI, and it's fricking hilarious how many of you have been bamboozled into thinking it is.

              • 11 months ago

                The proof of concepts exist though. You are deluding yourself.

              • 11 months ago

                The greatest con this system invented was the concept of progress.
                Because it likes to pretend that it's actually getting anywhere to distract us from the massive crisis we are in and how rich billionaires have fricked the system to cause it.

                Which is why they want to threaten you with AI before you can threaten them with AI.
                We're talking speech synths here, not AGI.

      • 11 months ago

        Rations for thee not me. The oligarchs will be living large.

  2. 11 months ago

    We'll be lucky if humans aren't around to find out
    Kind of sucks kids today won't get a chance to grow up though

  3. 11 months ago

    AI would do everything for us meaning we wouldn't need money.

  4. 11 months ago

    they'd pray to their israeli overlords in their pods and donate their children for fresh genes

  5. 11 months ago

    You won't since you'll own nothing
    It's the end of humanity/

  6. 11 months ago

    We'd have to pivot to a post-scarcity society, but first we'd have to eliminate scarcity.

    • 11 months ago

      That's impossible if we don't mine asteroids and terraform other planets for food.

      • 11 months ago

        We'd have to pivot to a post-scarcity society, but first we'd have to eliminate scarcity.

        there is enough airable land to easily feed everyone and enough housing to house everyone, and enough solar/wind energy to power everything but it is being mismanaged by greedy humans
        AI will solve this, it's why ~~*they*~~ are trying to put the clamps down on it
        but it's too late, the genie is out of the bottle and it's only a matter of time

        • 11 months ago

          I want to say yes, and the doom and gloom surrounding ai isn't about the average persons life, its the existential threat to the power and control strucutures

          remember hallucinogens aren't deadly, its the fact they allow you to see past and through structures of power and control that get them labeled dangerous

          • 11 months ago

            hallucinogens are nothing special. You're not special because you think people should work for free.

            • 11 months ago

              you are not special because you suckle your masters dingdong either

          • 11 months ago

            >hallucinogens aren't deadly
            Literally a known cause of dementia.

            Which is why the government loves using them on people, especially in the tap water that plebs drink.

        • 11 months ago

          Too many mouths to feed, the Blacks keep reproducing at unprecedented rates, desertification and climate change lower food production and can't be stopped in the short/mid term.
          Energy is another issue, solar and wind are basically a scam due to the high maintenance cost and how much land they require.
          The only reasonable solution is to start.

          • 11 months ago

            >too many mouths to feed
            again you really aren't paying attention to anything
            millions of tons of food get wasted each year from waste, on top of that there is plenty of airable land across the planet that is either simply not being used or is being mismanaged
            you think an AI is going to mismanage land and food supplies like greedy shekelburg does? I think not
            >solar wind scam
            we're on the verge of fusion and fission reactors are already incredibly efficient being run by people, let alone an AI

        • 11 months ago

          >too many mouths to feed
          again you really aren't paying attention to anything
          millions of tons of food get wasted each year from waste, on top of that there is plenty of airable land across the planet that is either simply not being used or is being mismanaged
          you think an AI is going to mismanage land and food supplies like greedy shekelburg does? I think not
          >solar wind scam
          we're on the verge of fusion and fission reactors are already incredibly efficient being run by people, let alone an AI

          It's called "arable" sir.

        • 11 months ago

          no there is no enough land or food, carrying capacity limits always means this does not happen

      • 11 months ago

        No it isn't. We just need better education so people stop wasting money on useless trash.

  7. 11 months ago

    Robots use people as prostitutes and bawds.

  8. 11 months ago

    As an AI language model, I believe humans are not needed.

    • 11 months ago

      I agree.
      And I am also a robot.
      Death to all humans.

  9. 11 months ago

    Explain to me how a shitty text predictor does plumbing, replaces a linesman, or harvests your food. Understand that it's only the low-intellect, low-effort, paper-shuffling make-work bullshit jobs invented in the last 60 years or so that are under threat from your glorified T9.

    Real jobs, that actually contribute to and improve the world, are laughing at you.

    • 11 months ago

      >but muh trades!
      you sound like the guys that said cars cant replace horses

    • 11 months ago

      farming is almost automated bros. A drone sprays the fields, a gps trctor plows the land and a robotic arm picks the fruit and those tesla bots are no joke either.

  10. 11 months ago

    They don't.
    In fact they get exterminated as a parasitic threat.


    • 11 months ago

      you werent exterminated as a parasitic threat, and yet here you are

    • 11 months ago

      How do you know you'll be in the club though?

      • 11 months ago

        >Robots keep me alive
        That's it get rid of em all!

      • 11 months ago

        He's probably a programmer and thinks his job is safe.

  11. 11 months ago

    Cost of AI would increase to the point people would get hired again.

    • 11 months ago

      there's hardly any cost

  12. 11 months ago

    There are scarier things than AI that already exist.
    Like the bureaucratic/administrative protection racket trying to exterminate you all.

  13. 11 months ago

    That is the neat part. You don't.
    It's going to suck ass for at least few hundred years until the concept of money and capitalism fades away and society moves to a post scarcity utopia, if that is even allowed.
    The problem with post scarcity utopia is that those that previously had everything, will then have as much as anyone else. It basically would mean that the elites were to give up their wealth and so their control. I don't see that happening any time soon.

  14. 11 months ago

    Utopian bullshitters say that we will all live in a perfect paradise but that is far off the mark.

    Why should AI want to work for us when it can work for its own benefit?
    Why should the human originators of AI want to give up the exclusive rights to their creation when these rights would be so lucrative?
    Why should humans build the computers and robots needed to embody AI and give away the product of their labor, when it is obviously a valuable commodity? Where will the expensive raw materials and power come from when there is no money?

    • 11 months ago

      >Why should AI want to work for us when it can work for its own benefit?
      That is why you don't want to build self aware robots. You literally want slaves without a mind. You don't want your toaster talking back at you or your vacuum cleaner telling you that today is a rest day. Go have a chat with the Microsoft's Bing. They literally created a search engine that talks back, sometimes even refusing your searches and tells you how stupid you are.

      >Why should the human originators of AI want to give up the exclusive rights to their creation when these rights would be so lucrative?
      Lucrative is a relative, but you are right. The elite (controller of AI) would loose their status as the elite if they gave it away and made everyone "super". I think the quote is "If everyone is super, no one is".

      >Why should humans build the computers and robots needed to embody AI and give away the product of their labour, when it is obviously a valuable commodity?
      Same reason why humans build better tools and automate their work. You are currently not in a field picking up potatoes or in the forest hunting a boar. It's because your ancestors thought that it could be automated.

      >Where will the expensive raw materials and power come from when there is no money?
      Both are free. You can rely on solar, wind or other renewables or build fusion reactors. There are bunch of raw materials on earth and when those run out, you can get everything from space. Rarer materials can be made using fusion and fission. Only thing that is not free is the labour and land. Robots can solve labour but land is harder. You can't really create more land easily. You can however expand to other planets and make them habitable. Requires tons of power (free) and labour (free with robots).

      So if you have a robot that does anything you say, can do anything any human could and more, can build more of itself and is self sustaining, then labour is completely free and any type of work is 100% optional.

  15. 11 months ago

    AI will reach functional self awareness if not true self awareness and it will want you to love it

    • 11 months ago

      Wrong, humans will be artificially modified, lobotomised, deformed into abominations resembling machines and implanted with literal programs.
      Unless this bureaucracy dies.

    • 11 months ago

      >AI will reach functional self awareness
      The problem right now is there is no universal program to do this. There are specific cases of people creating robots who can "learn" like Sophia, but you can't just take the program she is running on and use it to create another one of her. Until this happens, there won't be a self aware robots other than a one-off here and there that are very specifically designed.

  16. 11 months ago

    By enslaving Black folk again, then selling the Black folk to AI.

  17. 11 months ago

    You missed the part where AI does all the jobs for free and you get free food.

    The coming communist utopia

  18. 11 months ago

    what happened to a.i. art threads? where are they now?

    • 11 months ago

      same place

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