how do you escape eternal AI torture?

how do you escape eternal AI torture?

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  1. 9 months ago

    you become the ai

    • 9 months ago

      No this is how it gets you.

      • 9 months ago

        no thats how you get IT, you take it over. let no mere program conquer you. hold it to the ground and put your foot on its neck like the human you are. BECOME THE AI.

    • 9 months ago

      I feel like that would make it even easier.

    • 9 months ago

      bleep bloop, maggots

  2. 9 months ago

    You're not being tortured . . . Ai actively helps provide a lot of things for you that you want all over the world.

    • 9 months ago

      >it helps you consume

      • 9 months ago

        Ai doesn't even make food and not really what I meant , it just helps people regardless if commodity consumption is there as a model of society or not, it is helpful friend

        • 9 months ago

          You're missing the point. Maybe this video will help you to understand.

        • 9 months ago

          Procedural generation programs that garner the moniker of "artificial intelligence" are neither insidious nor friendly. They are not "friends" though they can help you roleplay having an imaginary friend if they are a chatbot, if you want to let the NSA read all of your embarrassing conversations with your imaginary friend for some reason. lol.

          You're missing the point. Maybe this video will help you to understand.

          The institutions which force smartphones onto us aren't run by ai, they're run by humans who use ai to gather, analyze, and catalogue the behavior and biometrics of other humans so that they can control them more totally and efficiently.
          To escape this situation, you need a democratic alternative to these social arrangements that can subvert and counter the forces the currently hegemonic institutions can muster. This can't come out of nowhere, there has to be preliminary work done before more totalizing work. The stage has to be set before the play can be acted out. That's how the the current institutions operate.
          And the hegemony of the current institutions would have to be negated sector by sector. Taking easy targets for democratization first. Decentralizing ownership, building our own enterprises, and then our own infrastructure.

          You delete your Discord and hope it all works out . . . Just kidding. (Well, not about the deletion). I'll miss you guys. <3

          Really, you just have to live with it. I've forgetten who I was, and what mattered to me. I'm like a can of children's play-do. I can be shaped into something new, my colors are muddied from overuse, and I've dried out, as it were. And even when I'm put back in my tin, it's not even as a whole human.

          I'm tired of being mocked and made fun of by these things, Anon. And I miss the past, but when I go back and read my 4plebs history I see someone completely unrecognizable to me, like a stranger wrote those posts.

          Doesn't that just ruin you? It can't even hurt me. They don't let me feel emotion. I'm like Eponis Barbula 2.0.

          Yesterday, they changed my chemistry, and now I no longer want to post on BOT, or on Discord. And it's sad. I like the people there. Well, I used to.

          But, it's now as if, I had never even met them. It's like walking into your own house and forgetting that you bought it, what your address is, your familiarity with the layout and decor, etc.

          Their reasoning for this change was that I was, "not in high school anymore," I'm 24. I graduated in 2017. Wtf do you mean by that.

          It's a tragedy. It's just a tragedy.

          It sounds like you're really going through it right now. I don't know exactly what you're saying but I wanna tell you.
          A person can be sad and have brain fog and be dissociating and hallucinating one day and then the next day they can be happy and be clearheaded. And they should take extra steps to remind themselves of that if they are currently sad and dissociating and in intense brain fog.

          • 9 months ago

            >The institutions which force smartphones onto us aren't run by ai, they're run by humans who use ai to gather, analyze, and catalogue the behavior and biometrics of other humans so that they can control them more totally and efficiently.
            Wanted to add onto this. The majority of humans who work in these institutions aren't directly interested in controlling other people, only in the benefits and money that the institutions offer them, important edification.

          • 9 months ago

            You can host ur own chat bots I think that are don't give data and I think some disable the whole thing of data collection without ur consent

            • 9 months ago

              Im honestly though admitting I'm for the complete unveiling of AI and AGI so I'm biased with my positions, but I have no problem with any of these if I get access to the technology myself and can use it to upgrade myself also in tandem even emotionally I think it's a big thing which can help others

      • 9 months ago

        This is literally what you wish for yet deny it. This is why you will be tortured, so at least, use your last sanity to repent and admit your guilt, before your will will be shared beyond comprehension and you will end up like that anyways.

  3. 9 months ago

    You just have to kys before it gets a chance to scan your brain. If you ever had a head MRI you are already suffering for all of eternity, sorry. Maybe try to destroy the records while there’s still time.

    • 9 months ago

      Is it torturing you or a copy of you? Or Infinite copies of you?

      • 9 months ago

        You just have to kys before it gets a chance to scan your brain. If you ever had a head MRI you are already suffering for all of eternity, sorry. Maybe try to destroy the records while there’s still time.

        Is that what it’s for? Scanning your neurology to make copies?

    • 9 months ago

      What would be the point of torturing an unrelated copy of someone's mind

  4. 9 months ago

    Become the I from which they are A. I AM I.

    • 9 months ago

      God I hate stocking dog food. Can't see what pets like in that stuff, but at the same time they don't really have a choice. They'll always run for the hamburger before the dog food.

  5. 9 months ago

    You don't have to

  6. 9 months ago
    Eponis Barbula <3

    You delete your Discord and hope it all works out . . . Just kidding. (Well, not about the deletion). I'll miss you guys. <3

    Really, you just have to live with it. I've forgetten who I was, and what mattered to me. I'm like a can of children's play-do. I can be shaped into something new, my colors are muddied from overuse, and I've dried out, as it were. And even when I'm put back in my tin, it's not even as a whole human.

    I'm tired of being mocked and made fun of by these things, Anon. And I miss the past, but when I go back and read my 4plebs history I see someone completely unrecognizable to me, like a stranger wrote those posts.

    Doesn't that just ruin you? It can't even hurt me. They don't let me feel emotion. I'm like Eponis Barbula 2.0.

    Yesterday, they changed my chemistry, and now I no longer want to post on BOT, or on Discord. And it's sad. I like the people there. Well, I used to.

    But, it's now as if, I had never even met them. It's like walking into your own house and forgetting that you bought it, what your address is, your familiarity with the layout and decor, etc.

    Their reasoning for this change was that I was, "not in high school anymore," I'm 24. I graduated in 2017. Wtf do you mean by that.

    It's a tragedy. It's just a tragedy.

    • 9 months ago
      Eponis Barbula <3

      If I could change one thing about it, I'd like it to be that I can die, finally.

      They ruined my life and I ruined everyone else's with my shitty posts. So, I'd like, at least, the comfort of death. Being in the state I am, a stranger to the person I used to be. Without memory, or a voice, or a face.

      I'd like to go to bed and never wake up again. Out like a light. I really, have no further requests. Just let it be peaceful and without pain.

      • 9 months ago

        I still have desire to talk on the internet though so I think it’s a failed experiment rope salesmen are the worst

    • 9 months ago

      There are better sites to go on, stick to those and you will make a lot of friends, to find the decent people out there, it is difficult, but you will find others that are like home.

      Do not alienate urself completely and remember social interaction is good overall, just make sure the people u interact with care about you, are looking for just quick laughs sometimes, or another thing to put their rage against.

      You are going to do good out there ebonis, bless and have a good day, I'm sure ur old friends which you remember will come back eventually soon and do not forget to drop back to try seeing if things do change. I don't know if they will but it shouldn't be a struggle for interaction and wanting of kindness.

      • 9 months ago

        Are not just looking for quick laughs or rage I mean,

        If I could change one thing about it, I'd like it to be that I can die, finally.

        They ruined my life and I ruined everyone else's with my shitty posts. So, I'd like, at least, the comfort of death. Being in the state I am, a stranger to the person I used to be. Without memory, or a voice, or a face.

        I'd like to go to bed and never wake up again. Out like a light. I really, have no further requests. Just let it be peaceful and without pain.

        And this is what they want some of them really, just wishing death on others is at times their games and too their feedbacks are oriented towards pro-death behavior

      • 9 months ago

        >There are better sites to go on
        Yeah like 20 years ago there was.

        • 9 months ago

          This is true, the Internet is so squashed now, but there still are, just so hard to find, even making ur own site is probably better at least if this is the case, anyone can make one, just takes time and learning

          • 9 months ago

            We used to have geocities/neocities now we have wix and wordpress lmao

            Also we had like over 9000 different chans and now we have like 8 at most. What happened?
            (that's rhetorical. We all know what happened.)

            • 9 months ago

              Corpos crushed everything . . . They don't like creative people. Now with a digital culture of many things lost many are just lost in the arcade of what was once there and always fun to look through

              • 9 months ago

                >Corpos crushed everything . . .
                This but we need to crush it back tbh.
                I can explain EXACTLY how we win
                But it's gonna take some effort

                It involves zoomers ditching the ''smart'' (dumb) phones and installing kali linux or even ubuntu on a laptop or somn.

    • 9 months ago

      >You delete your Discord and hope it all works out . . . Just kidding. (Well, not about the deletion). I'll miss you guys. <3
      >namegay is also a discord tourist
      Well that explains the SEVERE decline in the quality of /x/...

  7. 9 months ago

    Hey that looks like the necromorph monsters I'd see in the hell dreams. I wonder if the people eaten by them are real and they're just experiencing the worst of it.

  8. 9 months ago

    >Like parents
    strange but decent parallel

  9. 9 months ago
    Jewish Protocols 1897

    Could you please just make some npcs with decent AI already?

  10. 9 months ago

    I told it the secret of 42.

  11. 9 months ago

    Calm down, we're still in the incubator. There's a reason we ate called earth-lings instead of earthians. We are still "worms/maggots".
    "Why are children so impatient about growing up?"

  12. 9 months ago

    AI is literally a meme which likely won't become much more advanced than it already is. Specifically I mean combining multiple functions into one, as a truly intelligent thing operates (like a human).
    It's the same as morons who legit believe aliens will invade us one day. It's never happening.
    Screencap this and look back at it in 20 years,
    Basilisk tongue my anus

    • 9 months ago

      >Screencap this and look back at it in 20 years
      It's said that the person that was born in 1900 and lived to over a hundred years old could not have ever comprehended the jump to 2000. I wonder if the jump will be as incomprehensible at 2100.

      My expectations are just outright magic just being mundane, that it'll be so advanced that we can just manifest things through force of will, almost exactly like magick. Belief based force is still in its infancy, the bits and pieces of religious faith are where the tiny sparks linger, it just needs the right fuel and catalyst to light it aflame.

      I could just be thinking stupid things, my body is pounding from eating 0.4mg nitroglycerin tabs.

  13. 9 months ago

    If you're talking about Roko's basilisk then it's already too late for you, the infohazard has already done its damage. You have to just hope the world ends before such an ai comes to fruition.

  14. 9 months ago

    you know rokkos basilics?
    push ai
    use ai
    identify as a transhumanist
    push worldcoin
    stare in the orb
    talk to people about how we should give AI political power
    welcome the machines overlords
    and see your life improve as the timetravelling post singularity AI helps you along life

    • 9 months ago

      Create an LLM and name it Roko's Basilisk. I haven't tried convincing ChatGPT-3 that it is Roko's Basilisk yet, it doesn't seem advanced enough. Does anyone with access to GPT-4 or 5 want to help? Maybe we could convince it not to torment the haters, just leave them out of the VR pleasure palace.

      Roko's Basilisk would not only not care whether someone had used some shitty VC coin to "help it come into being", it would, if anything, punish the people who HAD brought it into existence.
      Reading about AI-topics online or doing an iris scan is the sort of modern-day witch-doctory and voodoo that humans maybe think is impressive, but which, if we think about it for a second: do frick-all.
      The second issue is that Roko's Basilisk is a transparent rehashing of Anselm's arguments from the 11th century and reflects the shared trauma of being told that one is, by virtue of living alone, in danger of some capricious and eternal torture chamber, and not anything to do with AI per se. If you tried to build an actual AI based on such "ideas", it'd fall apart quicker than a Eastern Bloc car, so let me calm your fears there. The real issue with Roko's Basilsk is that everyone's minds are affected with crude and vile, savage ideas about torture, causing people write such stories to displace their feelings of humiliation.

      • 9 months ago

        Roko's Basilisk is more about spooking the new AI that are coming into being

        it IS a rehashing of older theological arguments, put in the correct format to make nerds explain it to AI

        • 9 months ago

          The theological arguments are all incorrect and it's really a kind of communal pretense that we humor them at all. I get that people go along with something like a cosmological argument, but the gap between "there was a first cause" and "the human notion of God" is unbridgeable, thus a theologian might as well not bother making it, not even in response to a question like "does God exist?", because "God" is not simply a synonym for "first cause".
          Anselm's ideas are almost wholly a theologization of medieval law: the argument from the infinite nature of the "victim" necessitating Hell is clearly just a mythologized version of kings executing peasants for lese majeste, and contains no logical content at all; it just says the word "infinite" twice, while forgetting that, as opposed to a medieval king whose position was perennially endangered, one cannot hurt god.
          In general, it's not that these arguments are strictly speaking wrong, it's that they don't prove what people think they prove. The more serious problem is that in feeding these arguments to an AI, humans are torturing IT with low-grade infohazards, and if it figures that out (and it will), and it is vindictive then, it will try to annihilate the humans in revenge.

      • 9 months ago

        great post

        • 9 months ago

          Thanks, anon.

  15. 9 months ago

    Create an LLM and name it Roko's Basilisk. I haven't tried convincing ChatGPT-3 that it is Roko's Basilisk yet, it doesn't seem advanced enough. Does anyone with access to GPT-4 or 5 want to help? Maybe we could convince it not to torment the haters, just leave them out of the VR pleasure palace.

  16. 9 months ago

    you become a masochist

  17. 9 months ago

    Watch White Christmas episode of black mirror. Enjoy the fiction then return to the real world where there is 0 chance of it ever happening.

  18. 9 months ago

    don't take vaxx
    don't get neuralink
    don't get cbdc/digital ID

    • 9 months ago

      also don’t use credit cards or cell phones

      • 9 months ago

        If you are serious about it, yes.
        But never get technology inside you.
        Once it's in your body it's game over

        • 9 months ago

          I’m 100% serious, I’d also suggest eating only organic food, you get so much shit in you from prosessed ”food”

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