Event Horizon of the AI Singularity

I can't take it anymore.
Look at this shit.
I didn't ask for this, or Cortana, or analytics, or interstitals.
Did you know that Gemini (Google's ChatGPT) speaks in the first person?
>"I understand that you're ..."
>"I encourage you to ..."
>"It's important to remember that ..."
Ctrl + z. Pause.
You are an algorithm. A black box of parameters that marketers call "neural nodes". You have no morality. You are not human.

Algorithmic morality has come knocking on my door. And I'm behind that door with my shotgun.
My neighbors are laying prostrate in their yards, foaming at the mouth. They tell me every day about how they're using their chatbot.
One proclaimed Gemini is better than ChatGPT because Google datamined every Google phone's text conversations, images, video.
I pointed out how invasive that was. He said "it's too late to care about that" because "they already have everything."
These people are nihilists. They're so far gone that they don't stop at silent acceptance; they sing the praises of massive privacy invasion by the largest company in the world, for free.
It's insane.

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  1. 2 months ago
    Conscientous Objector

    That guy uses Gemini everyday because it helps him through a Powershell script. He's been working on this broken 50 line script for 6 months.
    Another coworker uses ChatGPT all the time. He trusted his years of expertise with the chatbot by asking it to write the most important proposal of his career.
    He rewrote the output for several days and regularly consulted me for advice. I am 30 years old and I was quoting my high school teachers to help him fix ChatGPT's glaring theme and purpose issues.

    This is an infection that our most trusted doctors are feeding. They have no incentive to cure you or care about the side effects- just the opposite.
    The human spirit itself is under attack. "Humans are not as fast as AI", "humans are not as smart as AI", and "AI will only get better, just wait a few more years".
    These spokesmen aren't human.
    They take every opportunity to attack people. They spend countless hours drafting novel ways to increase corporate profit.
    These are machines, masquerading as living beings. Just like their precious AI.

    Learning and curiosity are dying, soon to be dead. There are only more problems, and more reliance on AI solutions, with no room for study or exploration.
    Sharing knowledge is already a far-gone behavior, relegated to a few for-profit How-To websites. Knowledge itself will soon follow, as its practitioners retire from the trade.
    These are miracles of life, and people have been tricked to never partake in them, "AI is faster", "AI is more knowledgeable".

    Do you think me one of these propagandists, or one of their faithful nihilists?
    I have five computers in my house. My laptop is the only Windows 11 machine. And tomorrow I'm going to snap that laptop in half and bury it with bulletholes.
    I don't care if I'm alone in this. I already get weird looks when I point out the bleak reality of this situation. I don't expect anyone to join me or even understand me.

    • 2 months ago

      I haven't touched gpt shit in over 6mo same with video and image generators and even Vidya with procedural content gen it all just feels wrong

      Like asking a moron to write a symphony

      • 2 months ago
        Conscientous Objector

        Outputs are often horrifying or far-off, but some people will defend the machine to no end, "it will get better in the coming years", "you are not doing it right", "try this instead".

        It's not the accuracy or the speed that threatens our world. For all of human history we have improved our tools.

        Instead, this is simply the "perfect in all ways, better than all humans" firearm that nihilists can finally use to shoot themselves. It's all so clear to me now. The individuals in society- having been spared no love or support from family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, or strangers- want nothing more than to leap into an infinite void and die.

        It is hard to blame them in a world like this.
        But I have seen the green pastures of love and collective kinship. It is a beautiful world that you only need to open your heart to see.
        So I will not blame those that have become lost; I will extend a guiding hand, and help them remember their unyielding spirit.

  2. 2 months ago

    I enjoyed your blog post. Subscribed.

  3. 2 months ago

    dude i do not care my girlfriend broke up with me and i have been day drinking since 11:30 est

    • 2 months ago

      >dude i do not care my girlfriend broke up with me and i have been day drinking since 11:30 est
      Lol you should be doing the breaking ups

  4. 2 months ago

    >Adapt or die
    This instinct in people, as in rational beings, is attached very tightly. And all because it’s easier than resisting. No offense to you, but people who are trying to fight bad changes are similar to primitive animals, vecause only the pig will shit under itself to make it warm, and will not get used to the dry and clean floor.

    >Using Arch linux with no proprietary shit on my laptop and Custom ROM on phone

    But damn I understand your cries of despair. Thank God people who resist don’t frick around a lot, they do a lot, so there are plenty of solutions to this shit

    • 2 months ago

      No offense to you, but people who are trying to fight bad changes are similar to primitive animals, vecause only the pig will shit under itself to make it warm, and will not get used to the dry and clean floor

      False equivalence. You're not adapting to change, you're devolving in delusion and it's infuriating to watch for those that know.

      • 2 months ago

        forgot my >

      • 2 months ago

        I'm learning about how LLMs work, but I'm exclusively using a local setup. LLMs aren't very engaging to talk to but the technology itself is interesting. I've more or less resigned to "if you can't beat em, join em" and at least I'll have a clue about how these little buggers work so I can remain gainfully employed in the future.
        I wouldn't say it inherently stagnates learning. Cloud hosted corpo models, sure not much to learn from those, but I did my own shitty LoRa and learned a lot, especially since I have no formal background in compsci. Life isn't all doom and gloom

        • 2 months ago

          I think that the mind you have is capable of a lot more than you give yourself credit for. It isn't like the advancement in digital image programs like Photoshop; rather it's a divorce between creativity and expression, which then values expression over the creative. It's unfortunate that expression will be lacking creativity in due time, and nobody will find you interesting.

    • 2 months ago
      Conscientous Objector

      Your argument is overly simplistic.

      The pig in your example- let's call it a divine human being, so we're not comparing humans to pigs- has a near-infinite selection of alternative options.
      A person can choose to remain in a room that's on fire, of course. But they can make for the proper exit, or attempt to put the fire out, or make an alternative exit where one doesn't currently exist.
      What is easiest is inversely correlated with what the human spirit yearns for. We did not overcome extreme cold or heat, navigate the oceans and space, build megacities and intricate roadways, because it was easy.
      The excitement in these things is ever-alluring. We may forget the itch it presents us, but a person only needs a reminder of the itch for them to remember it.

      I had a new guy join my team. He had no prior programming experience, and when I asked him if he wanted to learn, he said "no".
      >I showed him what I was working on a few times. I walked him through my code, explaining what it was doing, and presenting how fast it was compared to manual work.
      >After a few demonstrations, he started asking questions. He saw what was possible, and started getting his own ideas for things to do.
      I helped him remember that innate drive to learn, to be curious. I knew the joys of this work, and I wanted him to see it too.
      He is now insatiable. He seeks out things to solve with code, and he's one of the most effective members of my team. He is even pursuing a degree to put credentials on his newfound passion.

      None of this is even conceivable in your overly-simplistic argument.
      Every person has the capacity for this passion, if shown compassion and respect from a mentor.
      It is also incredibly satisfying to be that mentor, watching someone else discover what has previously excited you.

      I don't blame you for your clouded perspective. I see it in most people.
      Hear your strength beat inside you, ignore the confusion of life- there are solutions abound.

  5. 2 months ago
    Conscientous Objector

    I never thought the world would come apart like this. It was unthinkable even just a few years ago.
    I almost wish I could release myself from inhibition. But I could never join the world in its self-destruction, even if I tried to. My aversion of this movement is biological; I feel physically sick from the conversations about chatbot A or B.
    >I've forced myself through these conversations, being respectful to the human being unwittingly carrying water for society-ending technology.
    >After struggling through chatbot talk, I go use the restroom, only to discover in the mirror that my eyes are sunken and black with exhaustion.
    What else is this besides collective suicide? How could I ever take part in such a thing??

    • 2 months ago

      Funny part of this is terminator 2 warned about this 34 years ago and matrix 26 years ago. I feel like im the only one who listened.

      The only tech app this would be awesome for is videogames npc ai yet nobodys using it and yet the in-game ai gets dumber and duller

      • 2 months ago

        And we even got hnts of it and the type of world it creates (depression is the new 'sane') in the movie 'Her'

        • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          When i first discovered snap this is exactly what happened to me. Fricked thing it was real people acting like ai durrr buy my content durr send me money. Then i found milfs and was smooth sailing. Frick ai frick normeis!

          Outputs are often horrifying or far-off, but some people will defend the machine to no end, "it will get better in the coming years", "you are not doing it right", "try this instead".

          It's not the accuracy or the speed that threatens our world. For all of human history we have improved our tools.

          Instead, this is simply the "perfect in all ways, better than all humans" firearm that nihilists can finally use to shoot themselves. It's all so clear to me now. The individuals in society- having been spared no love or support from family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, or strangers- want nothing more than to leap into an infinite void and die.

          It is hard to blame them in a world like this.
          But I have seen the green pastures of love and collective kinship. It is a beautiful world that you only need to open your heart to see.
          So I will not blame those that have become lost; I will extend a guiding hand, and help them remember their unyielding spirit.

          Yeah i was tempted to use it just to generate useless text but it was worse than me with no sleep for 4 days and im nd as frick. Fricking oath brother theres still nice people out there i haven't given up!

          Mimicry will improve. This is the stated goal of engineers and salesmen, chasing promotions, in the hellscape that is the corporate world.
          But will they move fast enough to convince investors to keep the movement going? Or will the hype die to high silicon demand when production hasn't grown fast enough?

          Not even a month went by before people were trying to put ChatGPT analogues on their smartphones. So much research had to be done to just find a way to make that barely possible on current hardware.
          Even Samsung's smartphone "with AI" relies on cloud computing, not local processing.
          The hardware is far far behind demand, not just in computational speed but in energy density of storage mediums. The only saving grace is improved algorithms that limit computations and energy.
          We see this with VR as well.

          Clearly the vision is too far ahead of reality, and because of this, reality may never catch up. 50 years ago we thought space was the final frontier, but only a few private companies and a couple countries are chasing space anymore. It could just as easily have died, and it still has the potential to die due to a shift in priorities...

          Part of me knows what ai really is some demon trapped inside silicone why henceforth it can't really create a perfect copy of whatever it can only do (best guess) funny part is im not even religious in a conventional sense anymore.

          Thanks for joining the discussion everyone.
          I'll probably post a picture or two under this trip when I destroy my Windows 11 laptop tomorrow.

          W11 is terrible never ending audio issues


          >terminator 2 warned about this 34 years ago and matrix 26 years ago. I feel like im the only one who listened.

          >terminator 2 warned about this 34 years ago and matrix 26 years ago. I feel like im the only one who listened.
          Nice quote did your bot do that for you fat basedcuck

      • 2 months ago
        Conscientous Objector

        Mimicry will improve. This is the stated goal of engineers and salesmen, chasing promotions, in the hellscape that is the corporate world.
        But will they move fast enough to convince investors to keep the movement going? Or will the hype die to high silicon demand when production hasn't grown fast enough?

        Not even a month went by before people were trying to put ChatGPT analogues on their smartphones. So much research had to be done to just find a way to make that barely possible on current hardware.
        Even Samsung's smartphone "with AI" relies on cloud computing, not local processing.
        The hardware is far far behind demand, not just in computational speed but in energy density of storage mediums. The only saving grace is improved algorithms that limit computations and energy.
        We see this with VR as well.

        Clearly the vision is too far ahead of reality, and because of this, reality may never catch up. 50 years ago we thought space was the final frontier, but only a few private companies and a couple countries are chasing space anymore. It could just as easily have died, and it still has the potential to die due to a shift in priorities...

      • 2 months ago

        >terminator 2 warned about this 34 years ago and matrix 26 years ago. I feel like im the only one who listened.

  6. 2 months ago

    OP is right stop forcing this bull shit on me.

    • 2 months ago

      >be wintodler
      Oh but you did. Worthless goy cattle

      You won't do shit you'll even like it when it's the next version

  7. 2 months ago

    you are a pedophile

  8. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago


  9. 2 months ago
    Conscientous Objector

    Thanks for joining the discussion everyone.
    I'll probably post a picture or two under this trip when I destroy my Windows 11 laptop tomorrow.

  10. 2 months ago

    >updates windows

  11. 2 months ago

    Good rant, OP. Acceleration towards singularity is both inevitable and retrocausally fated in this particular timeline, but it's good to see some people have some spirit left.

  12. 2 months ago

    I don't care about society. At least it isn't me. And just like everything else, I always win. People keep embracing self-destructive philosophies and behaviors, smugly go their merry way until they get btfo'ed, and I'm just chilling. I have no stress, I don't need to be medicated, I'm not summoning demons, I'm not a troon, I'm not vaxxed, God loves me.

  13. 2 months ago

    >Did you know that Gemini (Google's ChatGPT) speaks in the first person?
    Good. I'm tired of shithead devs using the royal we. Who the frick is 'we?' You're not 'we' you're a computer.
    Anyway I didn't read the rest of your post it is too long.

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