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  1. 8 months ago

    We speak American on this board. Thank you.

    • 8 months ago

      >We speak American on this board. Thank you.

    • 8 months ago

      thank god its not german, am i right?!

      • 8 months ago

        >thank god its not german, am i right?
        Kek. Tell him Hans

        • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        No, I full heartedly wish everyone was speaking German. The world would be a better place

        • 8 months ago

          >broke child of divorce, the post
          Yeah well, maybe if your Mom wasn't a prostitute who destroyed up family wealth for dick you'd appreciate wealth created in the generation after that war.

          • 8 months ago

            >Yeah well, maybe if your Mom wasn't a prostitute who destroyed up family wealth for dick you'd appreciate wealth created in the generation after that war
            Shut the frick up golem

        • 8 months ago

          Mein Neger

      • 8 months ago

        Yes. We can neet. Under Germans everybody would be a wageslave

      • 8 months ago

        as they say in Berlin, As Salaamu Aleyikum y Merhaba, Kaffir Kraut

  2. 8 months ago

    Ez magasabb lesz, miután visszavesszük Erdélyt

  3. 8 months ago

    Quick round down
    Cum traiesc astia daca nu produc nimic?ce manaca ce fut? Care e cheia succesului

    • 8 months ago

      >Quick round down
      >Cum traiesc astia daca nu produc nimic?ce manaca ce fut? Care e cheia succesului
      Sincer cred ca jumate sunt tigani si restu lucreaza la negru

      • 8 months ago

        >restu lucreaza la negru
        literally this. tax evasion via undocumented illegal work arrangements. get 45% more money and not be moronic.

        • 8 months ago

          Sau la gri. Un prieten e jurist, un loc de munca respectabil. 2500 pe cartea de munca si 2000 pe sub mana. De sigur, in minecraft.

          Take the tax evasion pill

          • 8 months ago

            >tax evasion pill
            Well you know what, i am seriously considering buying residence in ukraine or serbia and making a SRL/INC there and working exclusively through that. Their tax codes are less onerous.

            there is also the estonian e-citizenship.

            really i have been considering this for some years now so maybe i should actually get to it and prevent the fricking state from robbing me that much.

            And this would then be completely legal tax avoidance not tax evasion. both being self defense imho.

            • 8 months ago

              Just do it man. Frick them

            • 8 months ago

              Fa-ti firma in Bulgaria prin ceva intermediari. Treci totul prin ea, te platesti prin dividende, deocamdata iesi destul de bine chiar si dupa schimbari. Ca bonus, nu te mai fut schimbarile anuale din codul fiscal.

              t. accounting minmaxer working towards becoming a NEET

              • 8 months ago

                What if im dual burger romanian citizen and i start making non burger money in europe

              • 8 months ago

                Uncle Sam will want a cut

      • 8 months ago

        >La negru
        Indeed. Câți bani încasează curvele din țara asta ar dubla PIBul dacă ar fi declarați

        • 8 months ago

          problema nu e munca la negru, problema e ce muncesti la negru
          hai sa nu ne cacam la cur cu taxe si impozite care oricum sunt sifonate de smecherasi

    • 8 months ago

      am fost neet inainte sa vin in cipru sa muncesc
      le zici ca ai stat 10 ani in casa, vina una la tine sa vada ca esti tampit si sarac, si iti dau bani degeaba, iti vin si de la (m)ue si de la guvern, suficient cat sa stai cu chirie si sa traiesti doar cu supa instant
      daca le ceri, mai vine si postasu acasa sa iti aduca banii sau sa tii bage pe card, si platesti ce e de platit prin internet sau comanzi mancare, am reusit sa stau ani de zile acasa fara sa ies deloc pana m-a adus fratele aici ca sa fiu "normal"

      • 8 months ago

        wtf what number did you call are they still doing this

  4. 8 months ago

    most people are switching over to undocumented working. ffs 45% taxes are way to much, and most are realizing they can buy cheaper private healthcare and private pension than the state forced ones, so everyone who is not working at a multinational is kind of literally moronic if they do not work as an illegal, unless they are something like handicapped or something else that are completely tax exempt.

    • 8 months ago

      >45% taxes
      Thats just income tax. VAT TAX is another 18-24%. Really we re just slaves to the state

      • 8 months ago

        >Total financial burden
        yeah i know, but when i wanted to also add that in at calculating our complete tax rate my accountant relatives nearly blew a gasket at me.

        i mean technically if you want to you can create a SRL and then run everything VAT through it so you can then deduct the VAT through bureaucratic accounting jitsu, but we are talking here about normative behaviour not legalistic accounting finagling min maxers that are less than some single digit % of the population.

        • 8 months ago

          Yes. Tax write off+ tax evasion is what God intended

  5. 8 months ago


    Just do it man. Frick them

    romanian threads brings you:
    romanian threads brings you:

  6. 8 months ago

    > Romania
    > NEET
    that's called being gypsy

  7. 8 months ago

    asa si? Defineste "lucreaza": angajat sau persoana cu venit >0?
    Avem aproximativ 2.5M bugetari, inclusiv contractori si labagii care-si iau leafa prin mijloace indirecte de la stat sau de la UE(acelasi lucru).
    >inb4 sursa negrule

    Decat sa lucrez pentru guvern mai bine sunt neet sau lucrez intrun domeniu din sectorul privat care produce valoare pentru societate.

    Cand o sa moara toti bosorogii comunisti la fel si copii lor crescuti in aceeasi mentalitate ( ca tot e trendy: vezi cazu de la Crevedia cu explozia ) atunci o sa observam o crestere in meritocratie in societatea romaneasca.
    Asta include: toate partidele din USL(PNL+PSD) + USR("oamenii noi" care de facto practica nepotism corporatist) + alte cacaturi mici care s-au format din desprinderi. AUR are ideologie "mai buna" pe partea economica(chiar daca au si ei destule socialisme si sunt mai degraba centru-stanga fata de complet stanga[partidele mentionate anterior]) dar problema e ca e compus din abjectii de oameni care nu au tact si realistic vorbind nu pot guverna tara.(Chiar daca pe plan local ar fii alegerea mai buna)

    Revenind: sigur, nu inseamna ca trebuie sa asteptam asta, nu traim intr-o utopie, trebuie lucrat si sudat pentru asa ceva; Dar data viitoare hai sa nu mai vindem viitorul romaniei PRIN VOT la urne pentru "500 lei in plus la salariu minim"(care apropo creste inflatia) sau 5kg de ulei si faina, sau "digicacalizare". In acelasi spirit, votantii USR, corporaTRISTtii, s-au cacat pe ei cu PNL+ USR care mereu au fost economic de stanga iar pachetul de taxe "exponentiale" a fost mereu parte din ideologia stangista. Dar plebea nu era interesata de subiectu' asta pana cat sectoarele care au avut cea mai mare crestere(it, agrico,etc) au fost afectate.

    Sa ne aducem aminte cine a avut ideea initiala de ridicare a taxelor si scoaterea exceptiilor: Ciolos, "om nou".
    Ajunge rantu', scuzele de rigoare, dar sa ne implicam civic in loc sa ne plangem ca retarzii.

    • 8 months ago

      >still believes voting matters
      >still believes politicians are genuine and not just some paid actors
      >still believes politicians have different goals when actually all of them are working toward exactly the same goal

      • 8 months ago

        nah, the bluepill is to be a doomer; I used to think it doesn't matter but that's exactly what ~~*they*~~ want us to think and how the psychological warfare is being fought: "why bother?Let us rule you because you don't have a choice".
        believes politicians are genuine and not just some paid actors
        no, much of the contrary really: many of them are exactly that, that's why cleanse is needed;
        believes politicians have different goals when actually all of them are working toward exactly the same goal
        their "highest-order" goal (i.e the top) is the same for virtually all of them: power, money, influence, etc. However there are different means for them to achieve those things; They aren't all the same. Different politicians get "glory" by doing things with a bottom->up approach rather than top->down, and usually this is preferable because it's less tyrannical, even though this requires more responsibility and effort by the masses, though the genuine good part about this is that this also generally comes with more freedom.
        However we've seen the current class of politicians which don't let us have freedoms (see chinkvirus tyranny, eco-shit,etc) and thus impose a top->bottoms approach. Don't mistake me for being delusional, i'm not an idealist who doesn't understand reality, but change comes slowly and with effort; The ironic part is that pre-covid things started to balance out: euroskepticism was on the rise, people started to get a grip; but coincidentally a virus came out, and a war and people got distracted from what needs to be done.

        • 8 months ago

          >but coincidentally a virus came out, and a war and people got distracted from what needs to be done.
          Well yeah, life happens and we are not in a vacuum. That being said yes, perhaps we out of most euro nation are the most demoralized in regards to voting, when if i recall correctly a lot of electoral 'arangement' is dependent on low voter turnout precisely because the numbers get to become so ridiculous it becomes a physically impossible task to arrange for so many fraudulent votes.
          And also yes, politicians have no loyalty except to their own self advancement, thus it remains that the last person to have bribed, threathened, cajoled or otherwise convinced them will set their course until another one does one of the before mentioned actions in regard to the politicians aims and then the politician changes course accordingly so he may keep advancing or maintain his position.

          This is imho why i am coming to the unfortunate conclusion of elitists that the plebs deserve their fate of being cattle because when having the opportunity to get together as a group and de facto hire a lobbyist to hound a politician monthly they refuse, and as such are obviously unwilling to take the leadership responsibility that democracy theoretically places upon the electorate.

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