AI will cause the end of information

What I mean by "the end of information" is that junk information will start to pile up. Misinformation, just plain wrong ideas, pseudoscience and so forth will start to creep in everywhere.

You ever made a xerox of a xerox? That's what will happen as AI starts to put information onto the internet, which will then feed back into other AIs who will put the altered info back out.

A decade from now you won't even know who the president is. Hell, you won't even know if 1 = 1 or if it equals 2. Bridges will collapse as they're designed by AI which was fed by another AI which was fed by another, etc. Each layer of AI will magnify small mistakes made by the previous one. The world will essentially become perpetually deadlocked as everybody tries to figure out what is real and what isn't.

Imagine this over generations, toddlers shown AI generated images of tree dwelling sharks, or public figures being arrested, etc. Information will no longer exist.

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  1. 5 months ago

    a.lmost i.nteresting prolly needs to learn to drive cars first. then world domination.

  2. 5 months ago

    Ʈhe ģovernment ȟas ďeclared ẫll ʸour ċonspiracy țheoriếs ɫo Ƃe țhe ŕandomly ɠenerated ⋒onsense ȏf ₳I ẵnd ĥas mandated țhe ⊻accine Ƌiģital ïƋentity Passport.

  3. 5 months ago

    a lot of people won't be able to handle what's coming, but they were never real people anyway

    • 5 months ago

      don't watch this suliminial programmin shiete.

  4. 5 months ago

    This is actually a good thing, not trusting everything will be the norm rather than the exception, this is bad news for the government that relies on peoples trust. Why do you think all the social media is trying to "suppress misinformation"? They fear the future you are complaining about where the masses will pass off a government psyop as AI nonsense

    • 5 months ago

      and that will be a beautiful moment because we'll have to really prove things to ourselves again

      They're deliberately making the internet void of any good information (dead internet theory) so they can introduce AI to solve that with instant answers for everything. Reset your brain and dopamine now

      these anons get it

  5. 5 months ago

    Think about this little rabbit hole [Do not read if you are easily spooked, evil, or have to go to bed soon],

    Your digital fingerprint has the potential to be put into a situation where ai is inserted into what you see and what others see you say. For example, Your information stream could be entirely ai, the messages you send could not reach the recipient but instead of you knowing this you receive a response which is ai that has been trained on your contact list and the contacts you create in the future. This is the darkness of AI that could be weaponized (but shouldn't be). I'm sure you can imagine the scenarios that could happen as a result of this.

    What protects people from having this happen to them now? What laws exist that cover this?

    You could be very rich and powerful, you could be the most elite hacker - but tomorrow there will be a new more elite hacker. You can work in a clean room in an isolated environment and hope it doesn't escape, but once it starts bits and pieces of it slip in and out of the conscious stream and into others. It's dangerous.

    • 5 months ago

      This is something I've considered and I think it'll be one of the darkest aspects of the coming age. It's actually a theory known as "Dead Internet Theory" if you want to delve into it further.

      Our internet is already being swarmed with bots that push a narrative and/or spread misinformation on purpose. These bots are getting better. Soon they will be indistinguishable from real humans.

      Anyone who has spent enough time on sites like Reddit gets a glimpse first-hand of how petty and dumb most of us are. If something is highly upvoted, we assume it must be good, and we believe it. Likewise if something is downvoted, we think it must be false or "wrong". In this manner these bots can exert control over public opinion on essentially every issue. The only hope is that the bots of various countries fight each other's misinformation with factual information, but regardless it will be a deep pile of shit to wade through to get the truth, and most people are too lazy and dumb to do that.

      There is a solution - if the powers that be created a "real net" where people had to log in through their government ID's, and only people verified in this manner are allowed to post, then it would go a long way towards solving this problem.

      The governments would love this for many reasons, it's just a matter of whether the public will accept it. I think at the least, the mainstream websites will require identification. Facebook already requires this.

  6. 5 months ago

    Humans make more errors than AI and we’ve survived about 12,000 years in our current civilizational epoch.

    In order for information to end money and our entire conception of what’s valuable would have to end, because people will continue to provide accurate information as long as it’s financially or spiritually beneficial to do so.

  7. 5 months ago

    Truth and reality will continue to exist until the heat death of the universe.

  8. 5 months ago

    >junk information will start to pile up.
    In my opinion, we actually have this problem right now, and machine learning is essentially extremely good at dealing with this sort of thing.

    Like, you can’t just feed a book about fake, made up impossible dinosaurs into the AI while also feeding a physics and biology textbook into the model and expect the AI not to recognize that the Dinosaur book is most likely fictional.

  9. 5 months ago

    They're deliberately making the internet void of any good information (dead internet theory) so they can introduce AI to solve that with instant answers for everything. Reset your brain and dopamine now

  10. 5 months ago

    No it won't.

    Atlantis had ai.

    Peons gasp...

  11. 5 months ago

    nah. it'll be just the snake oil sales reps insisting there's still value in it while the world moves on, when it comes to that. just like web3.0 and crypto.

  12. 5 months ago

    >Bridges will collapse as they're designed by AI which was fed by another AI which was fed by another, etc. Each layer of AI will magnify small mistakes made by the previous one. The world will essentially become perpetually deadlocked as everybody tries to figure out what is real and what isn't.

    No bud. If the bridge collapses you'll know it was wrong, therefore there's still a mechanism to test what works and what doesn't, called reality.

    • 5 months ago

      Wtf, I love reality now!

  13. 5 months ago

    The actual time it’s going to get weird is when it starts feeding back its own responses into its training data. Much of what will show up on the web now will be AI responses rather than actual people wirirunt stuff (for example Stackoverlow tech help has started to become less popular now because of ChatGPT)
    So it’s going to start ingesting its own responses. This will cause some weird things and probably more hallucinations.

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